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christophe kempkes
23 apr 20243 minuten om te lezen
The magic of the ordinary
The magic of the Ordinary. As a professional, it sounds sparkling and ambitious to aim for the greatest impact, but my aspiration is not...
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christophe kempkes
23 apr 20246 minuten om te lezen
‘Elke dag een brood bakken is mijn verzet tegen de ratrace’
Jarenlang was hij bankier, nu denkt hij professioneel na over de toekomst. Systeemdenker Christophe Kempkes (48): ‘Vroeger wilde ik...
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christophe kempkes
23 apr 20247 minuten om te lezen
How to live your questions?
Can the world be remade through humility, imagination, and meaningful relations? What does it mean to live a courageous life that is rich...
6 weergaven0 opmerkingen
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